The Nitekings
Chapter 1
It was Friday night. As the sun was settling over the western slopes of Las Vegas, the lights were simultaneously dimming in the Sun Coast showroom in preparation for the show. There was a gaggle of men and women waiting behind the red velvet rope for the usher to unlatch the superfluous lock. The women were dressed in simple cocktail dresses, strappy sandals, tiny embellished clutches, lots of make-up and little jewelry. The men were dressed in black or cream linen pants and Tommy Bahama shirts, their hair was slicked back, and the cologne lightly applied. There were two silver haired curmudgeons complaining about the waitress who had taken their dates’ half-drunk cocktails away too fast, but then one turned and smiled as he anticipated the music. He glanced left, then right and turned around and smiled at a lady standing right behind him. They were all here for the same reason; they wanted to be taken back to their youth through the nostalgic songs of the NiteKings. Those first in line rushed to their usual places, selecting a small booth on the dance floor. Others grabbed tables, in the upper levels and hastily ordered drinks while they waited for the band to appear. There were tables filled with single women, couples, single men, and families. As the cocktail waitresses scurried around the showroom, the hushed sounds of the audience was fraught with conversations of reminiscing. At each table there was a different story to be told of how they had met the NiteKings, who they were dancing with, the place, the city and the decade. These were the events that created thier memories, and the music that defined their lives. With each lyric resonating from their huge repertoire of songs, recollections of former lives are brought back to life. This is the story of the NiteKings….